Ronnies 2011

Hey, another contest!

Ron Edwards is having another Ronnies game-design contest. Past winners include 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars, as well as... some others, I'm sure. The basic set-up is a 24-hour design competition done in a series of elimination rounds. The first round starts January 1st, and ends January 14th or 24 hours after the ninth entry has been received, whichever comes first. Entries have to incorporate two of four keywords (which will be revealed January 1st). Winners get a cool $50 (American!) and feedback/playtesting from Mr. Edwards himself.

I mention this not for my own benefit, but for yours. As much as I'd love to do this, there's just no way I'll have time. However, I definitely encourage you -- yes, you! -- to take advantage of this opportunity. It's not about winning. It's about being forced to stretch yourself creatively and make something that wouldn't have occurred to you otherwise. Limitations breed creativity!

Anyway, check out the link for more info.


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