Umomkegeth, 1-8 to 1-15


I'm further along than this, I swear, but transferring material from the notebook to the blog is a thing that takes time. So here's another week's worth of Umomkegeth!

1-8 Guard Room

Dwarven guards once stood here to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the Hall of Artifacts (1-9). Bas reliefs of craftsdwarves cover the walls, as does the blood of the dwarves who died here.

1-9 Hall of Artifacts

This used to house Umomkegeth's finest artistic achievements on stone pedestals distributed throughout the room. It was a source of pride for the dwarves, and a point of interest for visitors. Now the pedestals are toppled and broken. Behind a tattered tapestry on the west wall is a secret door.

1-10 West Barracks

Stone bunk beds for eight dwarves line the walls of this room, surrounding a stone table in the center carved from the living rock itself. There is nothing else of interest here.

1-11 West Drill Hall

Rotted remains of wooden swords and axes litter the floor. In amongst them is a grown wooden sword, a gift from an elven visitor long ago. Treat this as a magical short sword that deals bludgeoning damage.

1-12 West Armory

Stone armor stands and weapon racks line the walls here, all empty. The secret door in the north wall is concealed behind a weapon rack.

1-13 East Barracks

This room is identical to the West Barracks.

1-14 East Drill Hall

The trappings here are similar to those in the West Drill Hall, except this room is occupied. A dwarven wight stands here, overseeing four dwarven specters locked in an eternal training session. These five were killed in the second undead wave, and their captain (the wight) blamed his squad's poor training, coming as they did from the B-squad of whoever remained after the first undead wave. They'll happily attack an living "invaders" now, though. 

1-15 East Armory

This room is similar to the West Armory, but lacks the secret door. Hanging above the door is a greataxe of vengeance, inhabited by the vengeful spirit of the dwarf who wielded it in life and fell in defense of the colony. Attuning to it also grants the ability to read and understand the Dwarven language.


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